CAGED System
Rohan Büchner / April 19, 2016
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To start off, the previous Facebook mantra comes to mind "Build fast and break things"
But when it comes to guitar, I feel this applies to my learning style, I mess around /break things and make a lot of noise until the noise starts to sound good.
until today.
...drum roll
At the start of my venture into the world of (music) theory, we'll have a look at the **CAGED** system.
The CAGED system in layman's terms would be taking your standard open chords, and then shifting them down the neck of your guitar.
Open C would equate to a Barred Open A shape on fret 3 and so on (you'll need to modify your grip to avoid the need to get tendonitis or grow an extra finger)
If this sounds like a bunch of random words spewed out by someone who doesn't know much, then fear not... I have pictures.
Below is the progression of C through all the shapes...
C -> A -> G -> E -> D
"Open" C - Default Shape
Barred C [Utilizing Open A Shape + Barred at 3rd Frett]
Barred C [Utilizing "Open" G Shape + Barred at 5th Frett]
Barred C [Utilizing "Open" E Shape + Barred at 8th Frett]
Weird D Shape [Utilizing "Open" D Shape + Additional Root note at 10 Frett]
As you'll have probably noticed, the name CAGED is of actual importance as well, as your starting chord, determines the shape progression.
For example:
If I start on an Open A, the progression to make an A sound down the neck would be (AGEDC):
1. (0 / Nut) Open A.
2. (2nd Fret) Barred on 2, G shape (aka. Crab hand. This is a bit of a stretch though, no one would do this in their right mind).
3. (5th Fret) Barred on 5, E shape.
4. etc... If I started on E the progression would be EDCAG
Hope this helps anyone out there wanting to learn some new guitar theory.